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Jewellery, Clothes, Model, Photographer, Action!


A photograph of a piece of jewellery on its own, lacks perspective.

It is difficult to determine its true size, where it will sit or the effect it will have on us, until it is worn.

In order to bring some perspective to the creations I make, I enlist the help of an excellent photographer and model.

The Shoot

A photo shoot takes a lot of time and planning, but the process is fun.

To follow are a few pictures of the process, interspersed with some final shots.


Firstly a meeting with the internationally recognised and 'world famous' in Hamilton photographer, Terry Winn.

Importing the Model

Collecting the model and her husband from the airport.


A necessary trip to Raglan for some relaxation and discussions on the look required.

The Clothes

It takes awhile to work out clothes that will suit the model and enhance the jewellery.

Location, Location

The Hamilton Gardens are an amazing back drop for photos and a very popular tourist attraction. Taking photos becomes difficult when there are so many people enjoying them.


The model would slip behind plants and screens to change clothes and exchange pieces of jewellery!


Terry's wife was a great assistant and she has been helping Terry with photo shoots for many years!

Tropical and Tudor Gardens

The next few photos are making the most of the dramatic colour and layout of these gardens.

And that's a Wrap!

All finished and time to head home.

Thanks everyone!

To see more of the beautiful photos that were taken, head to my Lookbook!


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